The past few days

Alrighty. Here is what I have been up to the past couple of days:
- I have been looking into where I want to go when I leave Costa Rica. This is fun but also a bit nerve wracking because deciding where to go as a solo female traveler includes a lot of considerations.
- I got McDonalds for the first time yesterday at Grace's insistence. My order consisted of a McFlurry Tapita (it was chocolate and vanilla ice cream with Rolos and some Rice Krispy type things), derretido (it was basically a grilled cheese), postre de pina (a pineapple pie), and a medium French fry. 
- The past couple of days I have been going to a park and just hanging out. I have found that it is weird and kind of hard for me to be in a city. It also is hard to adjust to not having a house that I feel totally comfortable in. I have my room and then a little area, but I have grown accustomed to having more room. I have found a nice park where it is really quiet, and it is very close by. I have been going there to snack and read and to also just watch and observe the people. I have been really grateful for this little reprieve from the city. 
- I also have been having a lot of feelings about missing out on things. I am not really the type of person who likes to go out. I mean sure, once in a while I enjoy having a fun night out but that is not something that I really look forward to. I think from what I see on social media of other travelers, they go out and that is a big part of their experience. I am working on defining what my abroad experience is like and what I like to do. Even when I am home and comfortable, I don't like going out so why would that be something that I want to do all the time when I am in a foreign place? On that same thread, I am pushing myself to do things every day that scare me. My goal for this month is to do something brave everyday which sometimes is small, but it makes me do things that are challenging for me.
- I think that I am going to be starting work soon which is nice. I mean of course I don't want to work but I am excited to start building a routine and to also start making money. 

I am sure there are other things that I have been up to and been thinking about but those are some of the main points.  
A glimpse of my park


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