Figuring some things out

Yesterday after I did my blog post I really did not do too much. I do not want to stress myself out or do anything too crazy, so I really just spent yesterday hanging out. I talked to my parents, grandma, and Grace and this time I didn't cry at all during the phone calls.

Since it was a Sunday, I wasn't sure what the hours of different places would be so I decided to do a late lunch/ early dinner so I would be able to eat somewhere. I went to a cafe that was about a 5-minute walk from where I am staying. They had a full menu as well as a bunch of sweets and coffee options. I wanted to get something like fajitas, but they didn't have any vegetarian options, so I ordered "una hamburguesa vegetariana." I sat there and waited for my food and while I am waiting another table came in and they order some cute coffee drinks and some pastries and then out comes this huge burger with fries with a huge steak knife coming out of it. I felt like such an embarrassing American for ordering that, but it was so good. The burger had zucchini and eggplant on it as well as sauteed onions and a cheese sauce. It was so yummy. I only ate half of it and then I took the other half back home to eat later. I didn't end up eating it until breakfast today because I just wasn't that hungry last night. Then last night I went to bed pretty early.

This morning, I woke up a bit before 8. I lounged around in the morning and then journaled while I ate the other half of my burger. Then I decided it was time to go to the grocery store. That was one of my big tasks for the day and I actually love going to international grocery stores. I realized when Grace and I went to Ireland, Amsterdam, London, and Edinburgh that I think it is so interesting to see all of the different food options and the similarities between brands and food that I am used to. I also like seeing the prices of things and thinking about that. I went to the grocery store for a while and walked up and down each aisle. There were a lot of products that I recognized which was fun. I ended up spending about $20 on my groceries and got some staples that will hopefully last me for a while. 

Grocery haul!

I was planning to do yoga that is offered here this afternoon, but they don't have it on Mondays, it is actually on Tuesdays. So, I will be doing that tomorrow. This evening while I was making dinner, I started talking to someone else who is staying here, and we had some nice chit chat! She is really nice and also from the US. She is going to be here for as long as I am which is nice. 
Tomorrow I am planning to go to a nearby park and walk around and journal. Taking it easy. 


  1. Those papas fritas look muy delicioso! I bet the grocery store was so fun and it helped you practice your spanish too.


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