My first blog post!

Hello everyone (everyone might just be my mom and dad)! I decided that I wanted to start blogging because I am starting a really big solo adventure and I want to document what is happening. Currently I am sitting in the Dallas Fort Worth airport and I’m in a “luxury lounge”. I got a travel credit card and one of the perks is that I get access to lounges in a bunch of different airports. It seems really cool to me because I get free food and a place to relax. It’s pretty busy but no one is talking to me so that’s nice. 

I was dropped off at the Grand Junction airport this morning at 4am to start this journey. I am going to make it to San Jose, Costa Rica this evening around 6pm. I can’t stop getting overwhelmed by waves of sadness and fear. It’s getting better as the day goes on but I keep thinking about the rest of my day and getting to where I need to be as well as what the next couple of months could look like for me. I keep telling myself that everything will be okay because it will be but it’s not as easy as that. 

I decided to do this trip because I want to work on my independence and I want to do things that I feel excited by. I am looking forward to practicing my Spanish and hopefully building up my fluency. This is definitely the craziest thing that I have ever done. I’ve never even gone on a solo overnight trip, let alone an international journey that is hopefully going to last about a year. 

We will see where the wind takes me and what ends up happening. I refuse to plan too much because you never know what’s in store. 

I was talking to Grace a couple of days ago about how I wished for more words to describe the complex feelings that I am feeling because it isn’t just scared or excited. I feel like a melting pot of emotion that bubbles over easily. I bubble over when I think about my parents or my dogs, I also bubble over when I think of all the cool things that I am going to get to see. I’m working hard to ground myself while leaving space for every emotion. Easy right? 

Anywho, I’m going to try to keep up with this throughout my travels because I think it could be a fun way to share information. I also love talking (typing) about myself so that’s an added bonus. So much love (amongst other things) is in my heart and I am reminding myself that I should be excited about what’s to come. 

I can do this. 


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