I made it!

I have safely arrived in Costa Rica and I am now in the place where I will be staying for the next month. 

Yesterday after being in the DFW airport for 6.5 hours, I finally boarded my plane to get to San Jose. The middle seat next to me was open which was incredible, so I didn't have to feel super smooshed. The flight was 4.5 hours and when we arrived in San Jose it was very rainy and dark. I wasn't expecting it to be so dark at 6pm but it was so we will have to see if that is the norm or if it was because of the storm. Getting off the plane and through customs was so easy! If you know anything about my trip to Ireland last fall you know that I have a lot of anxiety associated with customs, so I am very grateful that it was so simple. I grabbed a taxi from the airport, and I really did not care how much it was going to cost because I needed the ease of that taxi. I got dropped off outside of my hostel and the whole block was pitch black. There had been a power outage I guess because of the storm and so there was no light or way to get me checked in. After waiting in the lobby for an hour I was able to pay in cash and get into my room for the night. I was in a shared dorm room with a couple of other girls. By the time I got to the room and laid down, I was exhausted. It had been such a long, emotionally draining day and I was ready to relax. I was closing my eyes at 9pm ready for bed. 

This was the view from the porch on my hostel room. 

This morning, I woke up pretty early and took it very easy. I made some phone calls and got breakfast at my hostel. My first Costa Rican meal! It wasn't anything too crazy but some yummy fruit, gallo pinto, and toast. After that I got an Uber to the Air B n B that I am going to be staying at for the next month. I am really excited because the people who live here seem really nice, I have my own room, and there is a beautiful green space right outside my window. There are some people who are sharing the guest house area with me and one of them is going to be here for about the same amount of time that I am. Today I am relaxing and spending some time on my computer. I am planning to go out to lunch/dinner this afternoon which I am sure will be an experience. Tomorrow I am hoping to go to the grocery store and maybe see what is around me. I am feeling much better today than I did yesterday and I am very excited about where I am. 

This is in the green space right outside of my window. Pretty cute!



  1. That looks beautiful! I'm so glad that Pikachu wasn't there to kick you out of the county


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