The mall

Heyyyy. I went to a mall today! I walked there and it was super close. The mall had three stories and there were food courts on two of the floors. There was a Taco Bell, KFC, Quiznos, Pizza Hut, and many more. I got pupusas and they were so good. I think pupusas are one of my favorite foods. The stores in the mall were all very standard. There were some clothes shops, shoe stores, cell phone kiosks. There also was a movie theater. 

After the mall I went to a Walmart-esque store. It is called Pequeno Mundo, and someone told me that they bought pillowcases there. I was intrigued by what the store was like, and it was close to the mall, so I decided to go in. There were three levels. The entry level had food, the level underneath had clothes, and the top level had a bunch of random stuff like TVs, tables, and towels. I bought a couple of things and then headed back home.

For dinner I decided to make stir fry and had to call my mom and consult her. It ended up pretty good. 


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