
I didn't write last night because the power went out and by the time it came back on, I was too sleepy to write. It is not much of a loss because yesterday was not too exciting. I went for a walk in the morning and then in the afternoon I did some research on where I want to go after this. It rained on and off all afternoon, so I felt alright just hanging out. Also, yesterday was Reese's birthday so we did a family call and sang him happy birthday. He is 20 years old! I am so grateful for technology to be able to see my family and talk to them so easily. 

This morning, I woke up and went for an adventure walk. I was looking on Google Maps and found a park that looked interesting. I decided to walk there, and it was really fun. It was a nature trail that went through some really nice greenery. During the walk I ate an orange, and I saw a lot of spiders which was a little bit spooky. I sat down on a bench near the playground at that park and did some journaling. It was really nice. When I left, I walked to a different park that is a little bit closer to where I am staying. At this park I read my book (I am rereading In the Time of the Butterflies) and enjoyed the sunshine. Today was a beautiful day, no rain at all. I spent my afternoon doing an online training for the company that I am going to be tutoring math for. Within the next few weeks that should be getting started which is exciting. 

               Cheesed up at the park                                                        It is hard to see but there are a ton of                                                                                                                               spiders in a web
You can see some mountains back there

Currently I am watching the presidential debate even though I tried to avoid it. 


  1. Those look like the scorpion spiders we saw in a cave in Belize! They didn't sting or bite at least. Oops, we missed Reece's birthday. So glad you got some sunshine finally! Miss you gal. Keep on keeping on!


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