Feria zapote

I went to a farmers' market today! I woke up at 7:45am and then met some people from the place that I am staying. We had made plans to go together to the farmers' market. We walked to the market and when we got there, we got some food. I got a tortilla de queso which was almost like a flattened pupusa which is not what I was expecting. My dad and I were talking about all of the different tortillas and the different definitions of tortilla between cultures. Spain has a tortilla with onion, potato, and egg, this one that I had at the market, and the tortillas in the US are flour and used to wrap things up. So interesting! After the group ate, we walked around the market and there were so many vendors. It was pretty much all produce and there were so many options. I got onions, lettuce, strawberries, potatoes, and garlic. After the market we walked back and hung out for a while. 

                            A glimpse of the market                        A view from the walk home

This afternoon I cooked myself some food, did some things on my computer, and enjoyed the afternoon rain. It has been one whole week since I have been at this Air B n B. What a unique week it has been!


  1. Of course I had to Google Fera zapote! The market looks amazing. Great way to stock up on fresh produce for the coming week. Well done!


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