A strange start

This morning, I was awoken by the sound of a cat yowling outside of my window at 6:50am. It sounded as if the cat were in an epic battle with some worthy opponent because the kerfuffle went on for a shockingly long time. I could not fall back asleep after this, so I was awake for the day. I checked my phone and saw that my neighbor at the Air B n B had sent me a voice message. I listened and she told me that a poisonous slug had been found in their room last night. This slug is poisonous in the sense that where it leaves its trails becomes infected. So, for instance, if it travels over your apple and then you eat that apple, you will get sick. Also, in the audio message she told me that she was staying in a different place for the night because she did not want to be in that room for the night. So, I am going about my morning when the house manager comes in and decides he needs to clean the entire floor of that room this morning. He also asks me to watch him do it so I can attest that he didn't take anything from that room because the occupants of the room are still not back. I said okay and spent some time watching him slide around the floor through a bleach and soap solution. It really was a weird way to start my day. 

After that, I decided I needed to go for a walk outside and touch some grass. There is a park with a basketball hoop and playground super close to my Air B n B so I walked over there. I did a lap around the park and then ended up settling on a bench and kind of just watching the people at the park and the others moving around it. I started to rain so I went to a nearby cafe and wanted a juice and something sweet. I ended up with a slice of carrot cake unlike any that I had ever had as well as "un refresco mora." The carrot cake had raisins in it which I had never experienced before (not bad but I think I prefer it without). Apparently when they say refresco it means the same thing as jugo so that is good to know. I had to ask what mora was and it is blackberry. Blackberry juice sounded very interesting, so I decided to try it, and it was so good! I read my book and ate my snack and then returned back to my room in the rain. I was hoping to go for another walk, but it rained all afternoon. And it was a heavy rain for most of the afternoon. So instead, I went to the front patio area and read my book and smiled at people. 

                        Carrot cake and blackberry juice                                My reading view 

Tonight, for dinner I was a master chef and made rice and beans and I shredded cheese and made some tacos. They really hit the spot, and I am glad that they did because I have leftovers for days. I am excited for tomorrow because I am going to a farmers' market with some people from the place I am staying!


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