A rainy day

Today my plan was to go to Parque del Este because I wanted to do some walking and exploring. I woke up and went to a French cafe this morning. I got a chocolatine and a mocha. I haven't had coffee this year because one of my resolutions was to not drink coffee. It just makes my tummy feel bad, makes me feel anxious, and I have a hard time sleeping any time I have it. BUT this morning I just decided to go for it and it was so tasty. My tummy hasn't hurt yet so hopefully I can fall asleep tonight. 

My breakfast

I got picked up by an Uber from the cafe and I went to Parque del Este. I got dropped off outside of the park entrance and then just walked myself in. It was 1000 colones to get in which is less than USD$2. One of the guys working at the entrance asked if I spoke Spanish and I said a little bit and then he tried to say some stuff to me that I could not understand. Then he looked down at my feet and I was wearing my Chacos. In Colorado it is so normal to hike around in Chacos, but he tried to tell me that I need to be careful and that most people wear tennis shoes. That was a bit concerning but I wasn't too worried. So, I just started walking around and I wanted to walk on a trail, but I didn't necessarily want to go down a trail without a map, so I kept walking along the road into the park. I walked up this huge hill and got to the end of the road that had a parking lot at the end and then a big open green space. There were people playing soccer and just hanging out. There was a path around the park, so I decided to take that. It was so beautiful and green. It eventually started raining a bit and I went under these huge branches that had become a protective arch over a table. I was there for a while and then left to go see what the others at the park were doing. When I returned to the arch there were some people sitting there and I didn't want to invade their space, so I ended up going past them to another little arch that wasn't as protective but still a good place to hide from the rain. The people who were under my original arch invited me over to hide from the rain with them. We hid for about an hour and chatted the whole time. They wanted to practice their English, and I wanted to practice my Spanish, and it was so fun. The rain never let up, so we ended up all smooshing under their small umbrella and walked back to the entrance. It should be noted that we were at the exact opposite end of the park from the entrance, so it was quite a trek. They waited with me for my Uber and then we parted ways. We followed each other on Instagram so hopefully our paths will get to cross again. I will definitely be returning to Parque del Este because I want to explore more of the area and not get totally drenched. It was still a very good experience. 

Pictures from my adventure in Parque del Este

I got back to my room and was planning to go to the yoga that is offered at my Air B n B. Long story short, I got the times mixed up and then by the time the class came around I had just worked myself up too much and did not feel like I wanted to go any more. I don't know if that happens to anyone else but sometimes, I just get so into my head that I just build up a mental block to things and do not want to do them even if I know that they are good for me. Anywho, tomorrow I am for sure going to go to yoga and I know that I am going to have a great time. Also, tomorrow I am going to go to a different grocery store, so I am excited about that. 

Peace and love. 


  1. This is a great way for all of us to keep up with your adventures! When I read your blog, I hear your voice telling me the story! Good to hear you are finding kindred spirits along your path. Shine on Sage! Pura Vida!

    1. Yay I am so glad this found its way to you! I hope to keep up with it so all of my people can have regular updates. Pura Vida!


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