
Showing posts from August, 2024

My first blog post!

Hello everyone (everyone might just be my mom and dad)! I decided that I wanted to start blogging because I am starting a really big solo adventure and I want to document what is happening. Currently I am sitting in the Dallas Fort Worth airport and I’m in a “luxury lounge”. I got a travel credit card and one of the perks is that I get access to lounges in a bunch of different airports. It seems really cool to me because I get free food and a place to relax. It’s pretty busy but no one is talking to me so that’s nice.  I was dropped off at the Grand Junction airport this morning at 4am to start this journey. I am going to make it to San Jose, Costa Rica this evening around 6pm. I can’t stop getting overwhelmed by waves of sadness and fear. It’s getting better as the day goes on but I keep thinking about the rest of my day and getting to where I need to be as well as what the next couple of months could look like for me. I keep telling myself that everything will be okay because it will