
Rain rain

Yesterday and today have been really rainy. Usually, it is just in the afternoons but for the past two days it has rained on and off for the entire day. Today I went for a walk at the University of Costa Rica, and it was so cool! I walked around the entire campus, and everything was so green. I am going to go back for sure. There is an insect museum as well as a butterfly garden that I want to explore. After that I went to lunch and spent some time making plans for upcoming travels! Exciting things.      

The mall

Heyyyy. I went to a mall today! I walked there and it was super close. The mall had three stories and there were food courts on two of the floors. There was a Taco Bell, KFC, Quiznos, Pizza Hut, and many more. I got pupusas and they were so good. I think pupusas are one of my favorite foods. The stores in the mall were all very standard. There were some clothes shops, shoe stores, cell phone kiosks. There also was a movie theater.                                                                     After the mall I went to a Walmart-esque store. It is called Pequeno Mundo, and someone told me that they bought pillowcases there. I was intrigued by what the store was like, and it was close to the mall, so I decided to go in. There were three levels. The entry level had food, the level underneath had clothes, and the top level had a bunch of random stuff like TVs, tables, and towels. I bought a couple of things and then headed back home. For dinner I decided to make stir fry and had to cal

Basketball star

Hello! I know after my last post I had expressed that I was feeling a bit low. It can be really challenging to exist as a human, let alone a human exploring a new country without any familiarity. I don't think that I was feeling bad per say but I guess just low.  With that being said, I am feeling really good! I have had a really fun weekend with some people from the place that I am staying. I walked to a local market with a couple of gals. It was all organic and there was jewelry and lots of food options. I got a delicious caprese sandwich as well as a chai. I hope to return to the market because there are so many cool products, and it is also along a river which I love. It was about a 45-minute walk from where I am so it was fun to walk through part of the city and see a lot of things that I hadn't yet.                           We got back and I talked on the phone and ran to the grocery store. Right when I got back from the store, I ran into one of the girls that I went to

The past few days

Alrighty. Here is what I have been up to the past couple of days: - I have been looking into where I want to go when I leave Costa Rica. This is fun but also a bit nerve wracking because deciding where to go as a solo female traveler includes a lot of considerations. - I got McDonalds for the first time yesterday at Grace's insistence. My order consisted of a McFlurry Tapita (it was chocolate and vanilla ice cream with Rolos and some Rice Krispy type things), derretido (it was basically a grilled cheese), postre de pina (a pineapple pie), and a medium French fry.  - The past couple of days I have been going to a park and just hanging out. I have found that it is weird and kind of hard for me to be in a city. It also is hard to adjust to not having a house that I feel totally comfortable in. I have my room and then a little area, but I have grown accustomed to having more room. I have found a nice park where it is really quiet, and it is very close by. I have been going there to sna


I didn't write last night because the power went out and by the time it came back on, I was too sleepy to write. It is not much of a loss because yesterday was not too exciting. I went for a walk in the morning and then in the afternoon I did some research on where I want to go after this. It rained on and off all afternoon, so I felt alright just hanging out. Also, yesterday was Reese's birthday so we did a family call and sang him happy birthday. He is 20 years old! I am so grateful for technology to be able to see my family and talk to them so easily.  This morning, I woke up and went for an adventure walk. I was looking on Google Maps and found a park that looked interesting. I decided to walk there, and it was really fun. It was a nature trail that went through some really nice greenery. During the walk I ate an orange, and I saw a lot of spiders which was a little bit spooky. I sat down on a bench near the playground at that park and did some journaling. It was really nic

Feria zapote

I went to a farmers' market today! I woke up at 7:45am and then met some people from the place that I am staying. We had made plans to go together to the farmers' market. We walked to the market and when we got there, we got some food. I got a tortilla de queso which was almost like a flattened pupusa which is not what I was expecting. My dad and I were talking about all of the different tortillas and the different definitions of tortilla between cultures. Spain has a tortilla with onion, potato, and egg, this one that I had at the market, and the tortillas in the US are flour and used to wrap things up. So interesting! After the group ate, we walked around the market and there were so many vendors. It was pretty much all produce and there were so many options. I got onions, lettuce, strawberries, potatoes, and garlic. After the market we walked back and hung out for a while.                                    A glimpse of the market                              A view from the

A strange start

This morning, I was awoken by the sound of a cat yowling outside of my window at 6:50am. It sounded as if the cat were in an epic battle with some worthy opponent because the kerfuffle went on for a shockingly long time. I could not fall back asleep after this, so I was awake for the day. I checked my phone and saw that my neighbor at the Air B n B had sent me a voice message. I listened and she told me that a poisonous slug had been found in their room last night. This slug is poisonous in the sense that where it leaves its trails becomes infected. So, for instance, if it travels over your apple and then you eat that apple, you will get sick. Also, in the audio message she told me that she was staying in a different place for the night because she did not want to be in that room for the night. So, I am going about my morning when the house manager comes in and decides he needs to clean the entire floor of that room this morning. He also asks me to watch him do it so I can attest that